Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Has it really been a month?

Oh, my fellow Whiners, how I've neglected you!

To be fair -- or to have an excuse, because every Whiner has an excuse -- the last 30 days have been, well, interesting.

The newspaper industry is in flux and the paper that employs me is no exception. We're in the final stages of a restructuring/reorganizing that will completely reshape the business as we know it. It's exciting, it's challenging and, quite frankly, it's a little scary. What we are proposing has never been done before -- we will be pioneers. I like that word -- pioneers -- much better than "guinnea pigs."

So there's been that.

Then, and I don't know if you've heard this yet or not, there's this problem with the economy. What used to cost me about $90 every 10 days or so at the grocery store now runs closer to $120. Which means I'm at my second job an extra day each week.

Throw in a couple teenagers, a winter that has filled our household with stomach bugs and sinus infections and, well, you get the idea.

I have been blogging -- just not here. You can catch my work blog at ... or you can stay tuned and I promise I'll be better here.

Thanks for sticking with me.

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