Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's a resolution, baby!

There are just 7 hours remaining in 2008 -- a year that I will remember for its crazy, crazy weather, tumultuous economy and the $2+/gallon drop in gasoline prices. I'll remember it personally as the year of my trip to Phoenix, my tattooed backside and my growing kinship with working out.

There was nothing I could do about the global events. For the most part, there was little any of us could do. But the personal events -- now there's something I have some control over.

Every year I write my list of resolutions on a piece of paper and stick it in a drawer in my dresser at home -- and every year, a few days after Christmas and before New Year's, I pull it out to see how well I did.

I couldn't find this year's/last year's list. I'm going to assume I did pretty well and just move on.

A few things I can remember that were on the list -- hits, of course -- were having an improved sense of self, living just a little more healthfully and "dare to be different" each month (hence the tattoo).

My sense of self did indeed improve and while I am still working out and watching what I eat, I am getting to be happy with who I am. We have always loved veggies and fruit at our house, but we have spent the year eating fewer fried and fatty foods.

I haven't been as consistent with the "dare to be different" vow, but I did get the tattoo, started working at a fitness facility (and fell in love with it -- I actually look forward to working out!), and have learned how to live happily single.

So on to 2009:

-- I'm going to try, again, to "dare to be different." Try something new -- just once -- each month in 2009. (Calm down, Mom, I've already got the tattoo. Another one wouldn't be "different" now, would it?!)
-- Have a little more "me" time. This isn't a selfish resolution -- right now I have virtually no "me" time, and the kids have better social lives than I do. That has to stop. ha!
-- Time with the kids will be quality time as much as possible. I have just a little over a year before the first one graduates from high school and, theoretically, leaves the nest. I am eager to watch him spread his wings -- and just as eager to have him return to that cute little blonde 5-year-old I escorted to kindergarten.
-- Spend more time with the folks. This year has been an interesting one with them -- Dad fell on the ice in February and has been battling a shattered shoulder, and the two of them renewed their vows in September -- and I've remembered how much I enjoy spending time with them, and how much I miss that.
-- Embrace technology. It's the world we live in.
-- Be happy. Be frustrated, disappointed, worried, scared -- but be happy. Know where happiness comes from and thrive.

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